The story behind Britemeals

Britemeals is born out the desire to help small and medium sized airline caterers compete

Meals served
Started during the pandemic
years of history

How Britemeals started

Like all good ideas, it started around a meal. After working for almost 20 years for ERP software solutions in the airline catering industry, we took a bet. We believe too many legacy systems have prevented the development of best in class software. Working with our first customer, we started Britemeals to help small and mid-sized caterers, their partner airlines and improve the passenger experience.

Our values

We are committed to working with the airline catering industry to democratise access to technology.


Our technology is designed to work in a mission critical environment. We are reliable, because this is what our customers need.

No Ego

We take pride in our work, and are humble enough to listen to on different perspectives, and we are not afraid of being wrong.


Technology has enabled us to solve problems in a new way. We are never afraid to take on a new approach to an old challenge.

Community champion

We work within and for a community of airlines and caterers and devote ourselves to understanding and solving their needs. We help connect the industry, as we are better off changing together.